Our Story
Our Story
ZINO was developed in 2001. In these years, ZINO provides com-prehensive range of skin care to suit your needs. We believe you deserve the right to be “MORE THAN BEAUTY” – a motto to elevate the quality and lifestyle of every lady in the city and make your inner beauty shine. To provide the best quality, ZINO focuses strictly on product formula and odds up revolutionary innovation. All products are selected from overseas and tested for skin allergies to assure our customer’s trust. Our beauty advisors also provide professional beauty and skin care tips at our 3 flagship stores, located in Causeway Bay on Hong Kong Island, Diamond Hill in Kowloon and Tsuen Wan in New Territories.
Launch of Magic Young BB Serum and Long Lasting Magic Smooth Cream
Launch of Hydra Lock Super Cream and Serum Series
Jinny Ng become ZINO endorser
Launch of Activating Gold Essence Water, Customized Colour-Toning Cream, Freezing Pore Sleeping Mask
Launch of Hero products – Anti-Yellowish Serum, Dark Eye Circle Removal Golden Eye Mask
Launch of Bubble Mask, Hydra BB Cream, Wrinkle Smoother and Lash Builder
Launch of Instant Smooth Cream and create a nude makeup trend
ZINO is established and launch of Eyelash Serum